Unlocking the power of AI for unstructured data with integrated link analysis

Описание к видео Unlocking the power of AI for unstructured data with integrated link analysis

Data volumes are growing at blinding speeds, creating both amazing opportunities for organizations, but also adding complexity. The opportunity to address complex problems across your data silos and the need to understand relationships and context within vast amounts of unstructured data to generate actionable insights has never been greater.

Linkurious and in collaboration with our technology partner, Nuix, invite you to join our upcoming webinar to discover how analysts and investigators can tap into the wealth of unstructured data by leveraging NLP, AI and graph technologies in an integrated cost efficient link analysis solution.

This live session will cover:
- How to leverage Nuix NLP AI to empower and unlock the power of link analysis on complex connected data
- How to prioritize and analyze related data based on entity or relationship risk/significance
- How to enable users to scale, derive actionable insights from data to reduce operational costs and improve overall efficiency
- A showcase on best practices based on data breach and fraud use cases

00:00 General Introduction
02:06 Leveraging unstructured in complex investigations
11:10 Introduction to the AI-powered integrated link analysis solution
23:20 Live Demo of the solution
48:53 Questions & answers


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